Relative complexity. A historical-sociolinguistic study of relative clauses in Greek documentary papyri, I-VIII AD

Relatieve complexiteit. Een historisch-sociolinguïstische studie van relatiefzinnen met antecedent in Griekse documentaire papyri, I-VIII n. Chr.
Start - End 
2019 - 2023 (ongoing)
Department of Linguistics
Research Focus 
Research Language 



Relativization strategies in the Archaic and Classical Greek period have received substantial scholarly attention, but few work has been dedicated to relative clauses in Post-Classical Greek and in documentary texts. The project “Relative complexity. A historical-sociolinguistic study of relative clauses in Greek documentary papyri” aims to provide an extensive documentation of both the linguistic and sociolinguistic variation of these syntactic configurations in documentary papyri from the first to the eight century AD, as well as to investigate the role played by linguistic complexity in the social distribution of the different features of relative clauses.




Phd Student(s)

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