- Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences
- Adaptive logics
- Epistemology
- Formal problem-solving
- Paraconsistency
- Philosophical logic
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of science
- Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
- Department of Literary Studies
- 19th century
- 19th Century
- 20th Century
- 20th century
- Comparative
- English
- First World War
- Gender studies
- Identity
- Italian
- Italian literature
- Language and text analysis
- Literary history
- Literary studies
- Modern literature
- Periodical studies
- Southern Europe
- Western Europe
- Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences
- 17th Century
- 18th Century
- Contemporary
- Epistemology
- History
- History and philosophy of science
- history of chemistry
- History of science
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of science
- Philosophy of scientific practice
- 19th Century
- 20th Century
- Africa
- African languages
- Area studies
- Comparative
- Contemporary
- English
- Field research
- Gender
- History
- Language and text analysis
- Religion
- Western Europe
- 18th Century
- 19th Century
- Belgium
- Comparative
- Dutch
- English
- French
- History
- Western Europe
- Library of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
- Department of History
- Faculty Education Services Arts and Philosophy
- Belgium
- Benedictine monasticism
- Collective identities
- Comparative
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Institutional development
- Language and text analysis
- Latin
- Legal history
- Middle Ages
- Monastic history
- Quantitative
- Religion
- Western Europe
- Department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences
- Department of Archaeology
- Archaeology
- Belgium
- Comparative
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Protohistory (Bronze Age, Iron Age)
- Western Europe