Recently, research on civil court archives of different European regions revealed the vast fluctuation of litigation patterns during the early modern history. From c.1560 onwards, there is a steep rise more
When it comes to L2 vocabulary learning, both semantic elaboration, i.e. the increased attention to word meaning, and structural elaboration, i.e. the enhanced attention to word form, are important. However, more
This project focusses on the grammatical variation found in Peninsular Spanish in a series of spatial adverbial constructions that are followed by a noun phrase, such as encima (de) ‘on top of’, al more
In this project I investigate whether the human sciences can establish objectiveknowledge. Currently both within the disciplines of the human sciences and withinphilosophical debates the category of objectivity has been more
What makes some explanations better than others? Although hugely important, detailed assessments of the strength of specific explanations or explanation types are scarce in the philosophy of explanation. In this project more
Half of the papers ever published were written after the year 2000. To keep track of this explosive growth of science, policymakers are increasingly forced to rely on scientometric indicators. more
Since 1999 a Syro-Belgian excavation team led by Prof. Joachim Bretschneider has been exploring the past of Tell Tweini (Ancient Gibala) on the coast of Syria. After eleven years of more
Techniques to ‘read’ the human genome are becoming better and cheaper at a very rapid pace. As DNA of a foetus can be found in the mother’s bloodstream, it is more
As previous studies have shown, in order to overcome the language barriers and enable the communication between general practitioners and migrant patients, the employment of professional community interpreters in the more
More than 200 years after the establishment of philosophical anthropology as a discipline of knowledge, its epistemological status is still vague and ambiguous. This project aspires a methodology and more