Although language diversity poses short-term challenges, early multilingualism and multiliteracy come with great benefits, at least, when it is correctly supported. Currently, many language minority (LM) families are distressed about more
Mobility, or moving from one place to another, is essentially a spatial act. In this PhD, mobility based on isotopical and elemental strontium is explored from a spatial perspective, in more
Al decennialang woedt het maatschappelijke debat over het taalbeleid in het hoger onderwijs, waarbij het Engels als internationale taal en taal van internationalisering een steeds dominantere plaats inneemt. Verlies van more
In 1616, English bishop Godfrey Goodman wrote the text The Fall of Man: or the Corruption of Nature. In this text, he shows the extent of the corruption in nature, more
CINECOS will develop an open access platform for sharing, enriching, analysing and sustaining data on cinema history in Flanders and Belgium from 1896 onwards. Integrating 14 existing datasets covering key more
The research project The System of Mohist Logic and Its Methodology engages with the work «Mozi» (《墨子》, mò zǐ), ascribed to the philosopher Mozi (墨子, trad. ca.470–391 BCE). The scholarship does not agree more
This project focuses on the 17th-century French philosopher and scientist Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655). It will attempt to clarify some particular features of the theories on (atomic) matter and motion which more
This research project focuses on the handwritten lecture notebooks produced in the universities of the early modern Southern Netherlands. It intends to open up new horizons at the intersection of more