The Khoisan of Southern Africa have faced violent dispossession and assimilation alongside several others into the racial group ‘coloured’ during colonialism and apartheid. Many today no longer consider the Khoisan more
The carefully chosen acronym ACCOMPLISSH stands for: Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities. It covers the project in a single word: more
This PhD project is an empirical contribution to the Study Abroad research field. It focuses on maximizing L2 use intensity and interactional contacts during Study Abroad (SA). The more
Embedded in the field of archaeology, this project focuses on thetrade and commerce of bitumen in the Persian Gulf in Antiquity.Basically, the export of Iranian bitumen in the late 3rd- more
The project examines how contemporary Chilean and Argentinian writers and filmmakers imagine new forms of human interaction and resistance in everyday life, by focussing on how they represent intimate relationships more
The contradictions of depoliticized (economic) globalization in Africa south of the Sahara are reinforced by current communication technologies. Inadequate ICT skills among students and teachers, traditional philosophy of teaching and more
This research is based on extensive fieldwork during the period 1999 – 2010 in the Northern Region of Ghana and aimed at documenting an endangered traditional music-dance culture of Dagbon. more
This doctoral dissertation is about Chokwe identities, body management, and history and socio-political understanding made possible through a careful study of their material culture. The thesis offers a comprehensive analysis more