Justice & Populations. The Belgian Experience in International is structured around 6 integrated work packages: 4 thematic work packages, in which different national and international partners intervene to examine transnational key aspects ...read more
In the late 19th and early 20th century, intra-European student migration became a mass phenomenon. Students most commonly travelled from the Imperial Russian territories - where the higher education system ...read more
The increase in the number of performances based on material from ancient Greek tragedy on contemporary stages all over the world is very apparent. The relevance of these performances has ...read more
Motion capture-based renderings of dance performance constitute a complex, but highly interesting cultural phenomenon at a time when motion recognition and haptic technology increasingly affect our society at large. Applications ...read more
In 2012 the Historical Archaeology Research Group started a collaborative project with the Free University of Amsterdam in order to investigate the Late Roman Archaeology of the Low Countries. The ...read more
This research project focuses on hand-shaped pottery in northern Gaul between the first century BC and the fourth century AD. It aims to characterize the production of hand-shaped pottery during ...read more
The region between Gent, Bruges and Aardenburg is characterised by surface clays of the tertiary formation of Asse. During the 11th-13th centuries, the slighty undulating cuesta-landscape of Zomergem, Knesselare, Oedelem ...read more