Due to current political and demographic developments, multilingual psychotherapy for refugees and migrants is becoming increasingly relevant. Interpreters are often indispensable in bridging the language barrier between patient and therapist. ...read more
Every day, journalists and their sources narrate early or distant past events to their audiences. They do so when providing historical contexts, drawing analogies, or commemorating historical figures or events. ...read more
This project analyzes the interactions between religion and cultural heritage in twentieth century Japan as a venue to investigate the legacy of imperialism in the construction of modern ideas and ...read more
My project focuses on the satire of Brahmins as well as religious mendicants in other religious traditions (e.g. Buddhist and Jain), and their use as stock characters in the classical Indian literary tradition ...read more
With a growing use of and interest in machine translation (MT) and a growing demand for gender-inclusiveness, research on social biases (e. g., gender bias) in MT is increasing. Research ...read more
“Mourning texts” (āi jìwén 哀祭文) are an important genre of Dūnhuáng 敦煌 literature and are usually regarded as a subgenre of Dūnhuáng "prayer texts” (yuànwén 願文). More than 230 mourning texts are ...read more
This project reveals, for the first time, relationships which enabled and sustained artists’ work and careers in late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century Belgium. Structured around three categories of people, it takes a ...read more
The project aims to develop a linguistically-aware supervised machine learning approach for cross-lingual politicalargument mining in user-generated text on Facebook, Youtube, Telegram, and other social media. The effort leverages the advances of ...read more
This project explores the early modern attitude toward nature through the popular literary medium of the "hofdicht". In this genre the gardens and country houses of the elite are celebrated. ...read more
In the latter half of the 20th century, Dutch authors like Gerard Reve, Frans Kellendonk, Jan Siebelink, and Désanne Van Brederode adopted an idiosyncratic stance towards the Christian tradition. While extensive research ...read more