Half of the papers ever published were written after the year 2000. To keep track of this explosive growth of science, policymakers are increasingly forced to rely on scientometric indicators. ...read more
Techniques to ‘read’ the human genome are becoming better and cheaper at a very rapid pace. As DNA of a foetus can be found in the mother’s bloodstream, it is ...read more
More than 200 years after the establishment of philosophical anthropology as a discipline of knowledge, its epistemological status is still vague and ambiguous. This project aspires a methodology and ...read more
Science is among the major accomplishments of the human race. It is our most reliable source of knowledge about the world. But what, if any, are the limits of science? ...read more
The Turkish Language Reform, following the Alphabet Reform, in the 1930s created a new - more purified - variant of Turkish. As a result, present-day readers of Turkish are confronted ...read more
The aim of this project is to develop principled analyses of the four syntactic or pragmatic issues listed below in (i-iv), and investigate their relevance for the general question to ...read more
The project aims to study the literary works, published in the Russian emigration between 1917 and 1940, in which the October Revolution and the Civil War take up a central ...read more
Maaheen Ahmed's postdoctoral project is on trauma in contemporary comics, relying on a broad definition of trauma to encompass the aftermath of large-scale events (the two world wars, 9/11) as ...read more