SANGH - South Asia Network Ghent



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The interdisciplinary research group South Asia Network Ghent, in short Sangh (Sanskrit/Hindi meaning “community”), aims to offer a platform where UGent researchers working on South Asia meet and interact. The members of Sangh focus on varied aspects of South Asian society and culture, ranging from its rich literary history (Literary studies), to its diverse religious traditions (Religious studies), its numerous languages (Linguistics), its rapid developments in cinema (Media) and performing arts (Art History), etc. Their studies address both historical and contemporary issues, as well as local and transnational perspectives. They do so employing diverse research methods and theoretical backgrounds current in the Humanities and Social Sciences. All Sangh members are committed to the highest academic standard by engaging with sources in South Asian languages (especially Sanskrit and Hindi), be it in communication with people during field work, texts, or other media.   



Former Members
