I am a PhD candidate at the University of Gent, Belgium. I have obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Greek Philology and Literature and a master’s degree in Byzantine Philology and Literature at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
For my PhD I am studying collections of historical excerpts preserved in a rich manuscript tradition. I study the phenomenon of selecting, re-copying, synthesizing and representing historical material, a working method called sylloge of excerpta, by Odorico in his article Cultura della συλλογή. 1, II cosiddetto Enciclopedismo Bizantini, 2. Le Tavole del Sapere di Giovanni Damasceno, ByzZ 83, 1990, 1-21, a method that became common with Byzantine scholars of the 10th century, a new approach as regards the transmission of knowledge to succeeding ages, by embedding the classical texts into the new social, political and theological context.