Delphine Calle is a postdoctoral researcher in French Literary Studies at Ghent University. Her research focusses on conceptions and expressions of love and affectionate relations in French literature, especially in the early modern period.
She holds a BA in Dutch and French Linguistics and Literature (UGent, 2013) and an MA in French Linguistics and Literature (UGent, 2014). In 2018 she obtained the degree of Doctor of Literary Studies with a dissertation entitled "Amour et applaudissements. La passion amoureuse, ses pièges et son succès dans les tragédies de Racine". A carefully revised and updated version of this dissertation was published under the title Racine et les trois publics de l’amour (Brill, 2021). This monograph examines how Racine engages in the 17th-century philosophical, theological and theatrical debates about the nature and the role of love.
Delphine Calle has held a postdoctoral research position at Rutgers University (NJ, USA) with a fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation (2018-2019). As a postdoc in Ghent, she currently combines her research activities with the teaching of the advanced course Franse letterkunde V: Littérature et seduction, on love and seduction in and of 17th- and 18th-century French literature.