Anne Goddeeris (PhD KULeuven [Belgium], 2001), is a post-doctoral researcher and teaching assistant of Assyriology at Ghent University (Belgium).
Her research pertains to the social and economic history of Babylonia during the first half of the second millennium BCE.
She has studied and published unpublished cuneiform documents in the British Museum (London, UK), the Hilprecht collection (Jena, Germany), and the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia - PA, USA). She has held post-doctoral positions financed by the BOF KULeuven, the FWO Research Foundation – Flanders, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Belgian Science Policy Office BELSPO.
She is currently involved in a research project “Priests and profits 2.0. The role of the temple in the old babylonian economy (1911-1499 BC)”, which investigates the economic role of the temples in the Old Babylonian Society.