Catherine Rosbrook (°1996) is an historian of early-medieval history. Originally from Australia, she graduated from the University of Queensland in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) majoring in Ancient History. In 2019 she completed her Master's thesis at Macquarie University, which explored the representation of female sexuality in the writings of Bishop Avitus of Vienne. At the beginning of 2021, Catherine joined the University of Ghent's Department of History as a PhD researcher under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Steven Vanderputten, working on his FWO-funded project entitled 'The Quest for Otherness. Uncovering Narratives of Religious Distinction in the Long Tenth Century'. The project addresses a gap in the religious and historical scholarship of the tenth-century by identifying, analysing and systematically comparing various, lesser-known 'normative' texts - primarily hagiographies - with the aim of demonstrating that ecclesiastical figures in this period were deeply preoccupied with distinguishing between the morality, social conduct and physical appearance of their contemporaries. Ultimately, the project aims to reward the tenth century a more prominent place than it has hitherto been afforded in the history of religious reflection and debate in medieval Europe.