- Lecture "Revival and Decline in the History of Chinese Buddhism," Ghent Univerisity, February 18, 2025
I delivered a lecture titled within the framework of the course "Culture in Perspective" of the Oriental Studies Masster at the Department of Languages and Cultures in Ghent University. Combining a traditional lecture format and groupwork, the lecture traced the change of scholarly evaluation of various periods in the history of Chinese Buddhism as times of either revival or decline.
- Lecture "Animal Killing and Release in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism," Ghent Univerisity, October 16, 2024
I delivered a lecture focusing on life release (fangsheng 放生) in Chinese Buddhism within the framework of the master course "Contemporary Asian Academic Debates - I" at Ghent Univeristy. In the final part of the class, my colleague Dr. Paride Stortini supplemented the material on animal killing and release in Japanese Buddhism.