The work of Pascale Hadermann deals among other things with French L2 language learning processes by intermediate and advanced Dutch learners. In this area, she mainly studies the issues of syntactic complexity, through specific analyses devoted to sentence organisation (hypotaxis/parataxis), conjunctions, non-finite verb forms, past tenses and the subjunctive mood. From there, an opening is created to more didactic approaches, with special attention to the development of literacy in L2. She is also interested in processes of
grammaticalisation and lexicalisation and incorporates a variational dimension in her research. She has published articles on indefinite pronouns, on degree adverbs of equality, on French L2 by advanced Dutch learners. She is the supervisor of two PhDs in the areas mentioned above (Wielemans 2009, Ruyffelaert ongoing). She was in charge of the research project "The scalarity in French" (2005-2008 + 2009-2011), funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and was co-director of the project "Variation and language Change: corpus, grammaticalisation and dictionaries / grammar" (partner : Gaétane Dostie – Sherbrooke University), funded by the twelfth Joint cooperation QUEBEC / FLANDERS (2011-2013). She has participated in three educational innovation projects funded by the Ghent University (2005-2012), which also led to a research component, concerning academic literacy.