- Department of Literary Studies
- Antiquity
- Greek
- Greek literature
- History
- Language and text analysis
- Late Antiquity
- Linguistics
- Literary studies
- Middle Ages
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of Environment
- Department of Literary Studies
- Ecocriticism
- English literature
- Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
- Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology
- Department of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences
- 18th Century
- 19th Century
- Art
- Belgium
- Comparative
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Iconography and analysis of images
- Language and text analysis
- Long 18th Century
- Music
- quadrille
- Quantitative
- Social Dance
- Theatre and performing arts
- waltz
- Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences
- Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences
- Department of Linguistics