Possum Pincé studied at Ghent University (Belgium) and received in 2011 a “Master in archaeology” and in 2013, a "Master in Geography". In 2018, she finished her PhD “Clay in close-up: A spectroscopic and petrographic approach to ceramic production in the Kur River Basin” at Ghent University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Vandenabeele and Prof. Dr. E. Haerinck. Her PhD research was part of the BArEO project (www.bareo.be), funded by the BRAIN-program of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). Following her PhD, she has been working as a teaching assistant in Archaeometry at the Archaeology Department (UGent) and combined this appointment with a job as geoarchaeologist in the private sector. From November 2019 onwards, she's working on her postdoc project "Investigating the role of rivers during the Late Glacial recolonization of NW Europe: a multidisciplinary assessment of Final Palaeolithic sites in the Scheldt valley (Belgium)" at Ghent University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Philippe Crombé, Prof. Dr. Peter Vandenabeele and Prof. Dr. Johan De Grave. This project is funded by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO).