Loneliness, which can be defined as the negative mental states (e.g. sadness, despair) that people experience when they feel that they do not have enough relationships, or not the right ...read more
This project examines political communication in the popular assemblies of the Greek cities of the Hellenistic and Roman periods to offer new insights into the debate concerning the extent of ...read more
The focus of my doctoral research contains post-phenonomenology, the philosophy of sexuality and its concepts on sexual technology. My aim is to conceptualize the phenomenon of sexbots and its possibility ...read more
Whereas toleration and intolerance are often studied for more recent periods of history, there is little scholarship on toleration in Classical Antiquity. This is due to the widespread assumption that ...read more
This project aims to research and develop technology for Dutch automated writing evaluation for adult non-academic writing. The starting point is the detection and correction of sentence-level errors such as ...read more
The aim of the project is to contribute to a novel model of turn-taking in dialogue interpreting (DI) by offering an analysis in terms of ‘cognition for interaction’ ...read more
This PhD addresses the phenomenon of similarity in Roman Imperial cultural expressions in Asia Minor through a detailed analysis of the thus far neglected touchstone of the region’s architectural decoration. ...read more
Due to current political and demographic developments, multilingual psychotherapy for refugees and migrants is becoming increasingly relevant. Interpreters are often indispensable in bridging the language barrier between patient and therapist. ...read more
With a growing use of and interest in machine translation (MT) and a growing demand for gender-inclusiveness, research on social biases (e. g., gender bias) in MT is increasing. Research ...read more
In the latter half of the 20th century, Dutch authors like Gerard Reve, Frans Kellendonk, Jan Siebelink, and Désanne Van Brederode adopted an idiosyncratic stance towards the Christian tradition. While extensive research ...read more