Central Africa’s Congo-Ubangi watershed spans multiple ecozones in the northern margins of the rainforest. It is a major hotbed of linguistic, cultural and human genetic diversity with deep occupation history. ...read more
This research project addresses the inadequately studied phonetic and phonological features of the "entre Congo-Ubangi" sector of Africa's Macro-Sudan Belt, in northwestern Democratic Republic of Congo. The "entre Congo-Ubangi", rich ...read more
Crisis communication research has resulted in a set of evidence-based guidelines that describe how an organization should communicate with the public during a crisis. As such, organizations are recommended to ...read more
This research explores the core question of anthropology since its very outset: what does it mean to be human? It investigates how intellectuals in Arab countries have addressed the common ...read more
VIOLENCE WORK is a groundbreaking study of everyday violence in Belgian Central Africa—Burundi, Congo, and Rwanda (19th-20th C). Though colonial violence has been studied widely, few have explored how everyday ...read more
This project analyzes the interactions between religion and cultural heritage in twentieth century Japan as a venue to investigate the legacy of imperialism in the construction of modern ideas and ...read more
The political economies of the states of Southeast Europe after the Second World War were shaped by the doctrine of development. In the long term and from a global perspective, ...read more
Before the large scale use of fossil coal, charcoal was the most important fuel for many (proto)industrial activities, and I particular for the production of iron. Charcoal was produced in ...read more
This project aims at analyzing for the first time (im)purity language and discourses in Syriac sources written in the 4th-9th c., to highlight the specificities of Syriac Christianity vis-à-vis other ancient strands. ...read more
COSMOPOET aims to rethink the relationship between poetry and astronomy and ultimately, it investigates medieval Greek solutions to the question as to how to explain the cosmos through literary means. ...read more