01/01/2012-31/12/2014, Spanish Minstry for Science and Innovation (total budget 16,000 euro), ¿El poder de la comunidad? Lenguaje y prácticas politicas populares a fines de la Edad Media [The power of ...read more
The development of the fiscal administration as a manifestation of state capacity and infrastructural power, Southern Netherlands and Belgium (1795-1852) is a doctoral research project, financed by Research Foundation Flanders ...read more
This project aims at identifying, visualizing and measuring semantic differences in translated Dutch compared to non-translated Dutch, using the Dutch Parallel Corpus and a variety of multivariate statistical techniques. ...read more
From its inception, near the close of the sixteenth century, to its modernist transformation in the course of the twentieth, opera thrived in scenic realms that were boundlessly illusionistic while ...read more
The starting point of the research was the construction illustrated in (1), reported for West Flemish in Haegeman and Van Koppen (2012) and so far not described in the literature. ...read more
The dissertation centres on the mediation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s first major publication in eighteenth-century Britain (1751-1785), and draws on recent approaches adopted in the field of historical translation studies and ...read more
This project has the double aim of studying the methodological contribution to the early 20th century history of religions of Alfred Loisy (1857-1940) and of analyzing the impact of his ...read more
This project aims to explore the motivations behind the case alternation between accusative (ACC) and dative (DAT) after two-way prepositions in present-day German (PDG). Special attention goes to those instances ...read more