The COVID-19 crisis made the demand for remote interpreting, especially remote interpreting by videolink, particularly acute. This action research project, situated in the context of asylum and migration, investigates the more
What if you got asked to tell what One Thousand and One Nights are about, with the foresight of leaving out the frame story of Scheherazade? You would probably end up with more
This project investigates the possibilities of choreography as an intermedial practice to relate to today's societal urgencies, particularly relating to the migration and environmental crisis. For about a century, documentary more
Today’s ~550 Bantu languages constitute Africa’s largest family. The spread of Bantu speech communities from the Nigeria-Cameroon border area towards Eastern and Southern Africa, which is thought to have started more
Slave trades in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean played critical roles in constructing contemporary social and economic inequalities. However, these trades could not have functioned without more
On 4 May 1928 the Centre for Fine Arts (‘Palais des Beaux-Arts’) in Brussels officially opened its doors. In the past, 4 May 1928 has invariably been taken to be more
Several recent medical innovations do not conform with the way medicine traditionally operates, but rather blur the boundaries of medicine and/or side-line the doctor-patient relationship as an essential aspect of more
Several innovations in health care disrupt the traditional model of de doctor-patient relationship and exchange more specialized and qualitative medical care for more accessible or cheaper care. Examples include the more
Usage-based theories have stressed the importance of input for language learning both in and outside the classroom. When large amounts of input are available, learning gains can be rapid and more
"The Roman Empire fell victim to the Late Antique Little Ice Age.” This idea is widely accepted among the general public and among scholars outside history or archaeology. However, many more