01/02/2011 – 31/01/2015, FWO Flanders (total budget 263,260 euro) Réécriture en Ideologie in de Excellente Cronike van Vlaanderen-traditie [Réécriture and Ideology in the Excellent Chronicle of Flanders-tradition]read more
The project concerns the study of multimodal sensing and controlling of time-varying textures (micro-features of forms/structures/objects) in multimedia environments. The general aim is to develop a basic understanding of how textures from ...read more
Analysis of how medical science tries to achieve scientific understanding of health problems by investigating (1) the characteristics, necessity and peculiarities of scientific understanding in medicine, and (2) how medical ...read more
The project's aim is to deepen our understanding of the syntactic properties of the Latin clause. Assuming the traditional division of the clause in Vorfeld, Mittelfeld and Nachfeld, the focus ...read more
In this project we contribute to one of the major issues in the Generative approach, namely how much the interpretive component of languages – and more specifically the interpretive component referred to ...read more
This dissertation is a detailed study of the reinforced demonstrative pronoun (RDem) of the oldest Northwest Germanic (NWGmc) languages: Runic Norse (RN) súsi, sási, þatsi; Old Norse (ON) sjá/þessi, sjá/þessi, ...read more
Sociolinguistic study of all Greek private letters on papyri and ostraca (approx 4,000-5,000), with focus on (1) the letter formulas and (2) their language. Both topics have a distinctive value ...read more