The scope of this project revolves around a close study of the Dīrghāgama manuscript (The Collection of Long Discourses), an important collection of Buddhist sūtras detailing the discourses of the more
On the one hand, the past decade has witnessed a massively growing interest in Chinese LGBTQ studies from queer feminists, artists as well as scholars. While on the other hand, more
My study revolves around the unduly neglected figure of the late-Qing and early Republican Confucian scholar Liao Ping 廖平 (1852-1932). Instead of attempting to write an intellectual biography in a traditional sense, more
The research project The System of Mohist Logic and Its Methodology engages with the work «Mozi» (《墨子》, mò zǐ), ascribed to the philosopher Mozi (墨子, trad. ca.470–391 BCE). The scholarship does not agree more
"Typologies of Text and Image Relations (Cliffs/Caves)" is Research Cluster 3.4 of the project "From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions" (Cluster leader: Christoph Anderl)
The cluster “Multicultural Dunhuang: Manuscripts and Paintings” examines the connections between Dunhuang manuscripts and paintings, particularly during the tenth century. A central aim of the project is to bring together more
The practice of divination in Buddhism traces its roots to India. However, the mutual engagements between medieval Chinese Buddhism and the practice of divination were deeper than the case in more
This network funding will increase opportunities for scholarly engagement in a number of ways. Postdoctoral fellows will be employed to increase the offerings of courses related to Buddhism, and eminent more
The Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, is intended to subsidize Taiwanese postdoctoral researchers to conduct research at an accredited educational institute abroad. The goal more