PhD research Ioanna Kostopoulou, joint PhD Ghent University - Universität Tübingen. The scheduled PhD project aims at achieving a better understanding of the multicultural character of the site of Pyla-Kokkinokremos more
The Late Glacial (c. 12,700-9700 cal BC) is the final stage of the Pleistocene before the current warm Holocene and comprises several warm (e.g. Allerød) and cold (e.g. Younger Dryas) more
This CRUMBEL project studies the collections of cremated bone found in Belgium dating from the Neolithic to the Early-Medieval period using state of the art analytical and geochemical analyses. Recording the more
FLEPOSTORE is a Ghent University based Flemish reference collection for researchers and students working in archaeology, geology and cultural heritage studies. The collection offers an online open access platform and more
The question of prehistoric contact between indigenous hunter-gatherers and the first sedentary communities in Western Central Africa has so far mainly been addressed by linguists, geneticists and historians in relation to the more
The development of urban settlements and the countryside are intrinsically linked and as many scholars on Phoenician and Punic Studies have begun to look beyond urban centers and monumental architecture, more
This project focuses on one of the most common and iconic structures in World War I archaeology: the trenches. Although the surface traces were erased in the post-war years and more
Mobility, or moving from one place to another, is essentially a spatial act. In this PhD, mobility based on isotopical and elemental strontium is explored from a spatial perspective, in more
The Bantu Expansion is not only the principal linguistic, cultural and demographic process in Late Holocene Africa. It has also become one of the most controversial issues in African History. more
The proposed study region, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France, belongs during the Bronze Age to an area of contact between different cultural complexes. Its western part was integrated in more