Families with parents of Advanced Parental Age (APA) are becoming more and more common; a trend that has raised serious concerns for several reasons. APA is typically advised against as ...read more
Make an open access inventory of the human remains from archaeological research in Flanders using various paramaters to give archaeologists, physical anthropologists and
Since Google decided in 2001 to start using data logs to generate predictions about users’ click-throughs and thus about the relevance of certain advertisements for a user, the collection and ...read more
The research project The System of Mohist Logic and Its Methodology engages with the work «Mozi» (《墨子》, mò zǐ), ascribed to the philosopher Mozi (墨子, trad. ca.470–391 BCE). The scholarship does not agree ...read more
The proposed research aims to investigate the transnational adoption of children from the perspectives of actors in ‘sending’ countries. These perspectives have received insufficient attention in adoption research so far, ...read more
This project investigates how modern Chinese Islamic thinkers accommodated the novel category of "religion" and renegotiated the position of Islam in twentieth-century and contemporary China by studying the complex relations ...read more
The Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, is intended to subsidize Taiwanese postdoctoral researchers to conduct research at an accredited educational institute abroad. The goal ...read more
This project examined early marriage practices among Syrian refugees in Jordan in relation to their Sexual and Reproductive Health. The team of this collaborative anthropological research project consisted of anthropologists based in ...read more