01/03/2013-28/2/2015: Ministry of the Flemish Community - Cultural Heritage Project: Verloren glans. Multidisciplinair onderzoekproject rond de archeologische collectie middeleeuws vensterglas [Lost Luster. A Multidisciplinary Research Project into the archaeological Collection ...read more
HISSTER aims to generate and develop a central database of historical statistics concerning Belgian mortality available at the local level since 1830. While the 20th century was the main focus ...read more
Scholars are becoming increasingly aware that the economic relevance of Roman professional associations as well was more important than so far assumed. Few data indicate that they acted as regulatory ...read more
The aim of this project is to study the ethical and political presuppositions of public forms of historical representation. I will do this by focusing on three important ways in ...read more
With its 100th anniversary the First World War has received renewed attention in Belgium at universities, research centers, cultural and heritage institutions alike. Our knowledge and understanding of the great, ...read more
This research project focuses on the role of mayors in occupied and liberated Belgium and France (1914-1921). As a mediator between different social groups and other powerbrokers (notably the occupier) ...read more
This research project focusses on the changing relationship between the police and the public in Antwerp between 1840 and 1914. In the second half of the nineteenth century the port ...read more
The aim of this project is to assess various relationships between images and indulgences, especially in the context of Flemish paintings produced in the fifteenth-century and the beginning of the ...read more
Historiography begins with narrations of the ancient Greek historians Herodotos and Thucydides on the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, and subsequent historians tend to share their preoccupation with great actors of ...read more
In 2013, it was one hundred years ago that the Ghent World Exposition took place. Both the City of Ghent as the University of Ghent initiated several book and digital projects ...read more