Over the past years, in Europe and the US, various initiatives were launched to #namethe translator on the cover of books. Does increased visibility for translators and translations necessarily lead ...read more
The switching of languages among bilinguals at the clause level is well-documented in code-switching (CS) research. On the other hand, intra-word code-switching (IWCS) has only been sparsely attested in a ...read more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on ...read more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on ...read more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on ...read more
My PhD-project combines a corpus and historical-comparative linguistic approach to the conjoint/disjoint alternation in West Highland Bantu, a group of closely related languages from the Great Lakes region of Eastern ...read more
Listening to a language which is not one's own native language can be surprisingly difficult, even for advanced learners. This is especialy so when the speaker has an unfamiliar regional ...read more
The proposed project sets out to examine how sociophonetic variation is acquired as part of L2 phonological acquisition in learners of French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Similar to first ...read more
Nature conservation is a major concern today. However, we forget that in 20th-century France, during the decline of its rural society, French female authors had already turned to nature writing. ...read more