Didactic poetry was a popular genre in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. After a lull in production between the 6th and 10th century, we see a resurgence of Greek didactic ...read more
Whether as a patron, recipient or reader, the literate princess of the 15th and 16th centuries has been studied until now almost exclusively in her receiving role of literary culture. ...read more
Recent years have seen renewed interest in the symbolic, cultural, and theatrical aspects of early modern diplomacy. However, the changed focus of New Diplomatic History has mostly neglected the lavish ...read more
The formation of bujutsu ryūha [martial arts schools] was underpinned by Japanese cultural traditions. Progressing towards mastership required sustained training of body and mind. The process of instruction and learning in geidō or the ...read more
News recommendation systems aim to provide readers with new content based on previous reading behaviour and simultaneously allow them to discover new points of view by presenting them similar articles ...read more
The Roman empire in Late Antiquity (c. 300-600 A.D.) was long seen as an autocratic state where the emperor took all decisions. Recent studies have emphasized that many imperial laws ...read more
In the 19th and 20th centuries, large amounts of readers were acquainted with foreign literature in their daily paper. Out of reach, gathering dust on library shelves and considered lowbrow ...read more