Sarah Bonciareli (Phd University of Siena) is a lector in the Italian studies section at UGent. She was a member of the MDRN research group of the University of Leuven (2011-2015) and professeur invité at the UCL Louvain (2019/2020; 2020/2021).
Among her most recent publications: “What can silence tell us. Centomila nessuno between Pirandello and Beckett” in Rivista di Estetica, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2022; “Dai paesaggi su carta alle città scolpite. Il progetto artistico de Le città invisibili” in Calvino, Tabucchi, le voyage de la traduction, Thea Rimini ed., Presses Universitaire de Provence, 2022; “Dovrei andar vestito peggio, costruzione della favola biografica ne I Diari di Prezzolini” in Gentes. Rivista di Scienze Umane e sociali, 2021; Literature as Document. Generic Boundaries in 1930s Western Literature (with Anne Reverseau and Carmen van den Bergh (Leiden, Brill, 2019).