A Study of Buddhist Vinaya Texts from Dunhuang Excluded from the Taisho Tripitaka.

Begin - Einde 
2024 - 2028 (lopend)
Vakgroep Talen en Culturen



The research focuses on the Buddhist Vinaya manuscripts from Dunhuang, particularly those not included in the Taishō Tripitaka. These texts, which number over 140 entries, include abridged versions of the Four Vinaya (Dasabhāṇavāra, Dharmaguptaka, Mahāvihāra, and Mahāsāṃghika Vinayas) as well as other Vinaya scriptures. Unlike canonical texts, they are primarily learning and commentary manuscripts, absent from both the Taishō Tripiṭaka and traditional Buddhist catalogs. My current work involves organizing and cataloging these manuscripts while comparing them to canonical Vinaya texts to better understand the historical development and transformation of Buddhist disciplinary practices in China. I am also conducting specialized analysis of key texts such as "三部律抄," "四部律并论要用抄," and "毗尼心," examining the background of their production and transmission. These texts reflect the fluid and evolving nature of Buddhist manuscripts during the copying process, highlighting the distinct characteristics of the manuscript era,and what changes did Buddhism undergo after it was transmitted from India to China?


