Previous studies have indicated the social significance of linguistic variation in Postclassical Greek (III BC – VI AD). The general aim of this project is to gain insight into the nature of more
The project aims at comparing the syntax of Farasiot and Cappadocian, two Asia Minor Greek languages. More specifically, adopting the cartographic approach to generative syntax, I will explore the composition of the more
The research aims to examine ‘patriotic’ resistance and ‘treason’ during the Great War in Belgium from a social perspective. The 1914-1918 German occupation of Belgium forms a unique case study more
Dealing with the history of the art documentary, this research project focuses on its “Golden Age,” which can be situated in the 1940s and 1950s in countries such as France, more
This research project (which is part of the IAP 'Justice & Society') deals with the punishment of collaboration in Belgian after WWII from a social-historical perspective. The main question will more
The French philosopher Charles Péguy (1873-1914) addressed a problem of fundamental importance in modern and contemporary philosophy: the relation between time and ethics. This PhD proposes an analysis of this relation as more
Choreographies of Precariousness focuses on contemporary dancers' socio-economical position and its influence on their production processes. Within this frame will be discussed to what extent one may speak of precariousness more
Since 2012 the Vooruit Arts Center in Ghent specifically resides performers who engage with the public space of the city of Ghent. They are referred to as “de stadsresidenten” (the more