Seemingly paradoxical, nineteenth-century society and culture are characterized by both an increased internationalization of cultural and artistic practices, and a growing importance of nationality. The role of national administrations and more
The main objective of this project is a comparative study of the traditional way of translating and translation on the basis of machine translations to translate general (non-technical) texts for more
Explicitation and implicitation are two translatological concepts that translation researchers have been investigating ever since their first mention by Vinay/Darbelnet (1958/1977), but especially after Blum-Kulka (1986) formulated her explicitation more
In recent years, scholarship has re-emphasised the importance of understanding Byzantine historiography as literature. Important as this is, it suggest that modern concepts, such as authorship, can be applied to more
The history of the Kongo area has been more thoroughly studied than that of any other region in Central Africa. We have unequalled insights in the area’s history of the last more
This endangered language documentation project is funded by the DoBeS program of the Volkswagen foundation through a 3-year grant (2012-2015) and involves collaboration between Ghent University, Kinshasa University and the Humboldt University of Berlin. Nsambaan, Nsong and Ngong are three closely related more
The aim of this PhD project was to provide a comprehensive grammatical description of Fwe, an underdocumented Bantu language spoken in Zambia and more
This research focuses on the study of Information Structure and its interaction with syntax and prosody in Kisikongo and Kisolongo, two Angolan varieties of Kikongo, a western Bantu language. It involves an integrated descriptive, comparative more
This PhD thesis is part of the KongoKing project, an interdisciplinary research program using archaeology and historical linguistics in order to better understand the Kongo kingdom. Within this framework, this PhD more
This PhD project which is part of the KongoKing project consists of an multi- and disciplinary approach to settlement and urbanism in the Inkisi valley (DRC) at the time of the more