This research is part of the ERC-project 'Novel Saints: Ancient novelistic heroism in the hagiography of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages'. This project aims to trace and interpret ancient novelistic material more
This project aims at tracing and interpreting ancient novelistic influences in late antique and early medieval hagiography from different linguistic traditions. Traditionally, scholarship concerning the history of the novel deals with the ancient love novel (1st-4th centuries) and more
Miglena Dikova's postdoctoral research project, entitled "The Concept of the Sublime and the Russian Novel", aims to analyse the aesthetics of the Russian 19th century (e.g. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" and Dostoyevsky's more
During the first decades of the 20th century, a renewed sensibility for different religious traditions distinguished German(-language) Expressionism, and especially Expressionist drama. It has long been accepted that Expressionism is more
In my PhD-project, "In Good Faith. Belief and Credibility in Late Antique Latin Hagiographical Narratives of Chaste Couples", I concentrate on the much debated issues of truth, belief, and fictionality more
The evolutionary study of art is an upcoming area of research that has drawn that attention of scholars in humanities disciplines such as art history and archaeology, as well as more
This research project aims at a critical analysis of the education to adolescent newcomers in Flanders (OKAN) (viz. use of funding, organization, role and profile of different staff members) and more