Historical evidence suggests that the medieval landscape was intensively exploited during the high medieval period. This was especially true in the county of Flanders due to the development of cities ...read more
The Belgian historian Henri Pirenne (1862-1935) is commonly acknowledged as one of the most influential European scholars of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In his own country he ...read more
In A Mirror for the Sultan: State Ideology in the Early Ottoman Chronicles, 1410-1502, Dr Kaçar studies the earliest Ottoman chronicles, written in the fifteenth century.
This project was an investigation into the philosophical work of Tang Junyi, one of the major philosophers of so-called New Confucianism in the People's Republic of China. The work shows ...read more
This project investigates to what extent register influences language use in Dutch translations in the same way as it influences non-translated Dutch. Building on the Dutch Parallel Corpus, we apply ...read more
Izmir is a metropolitan Turkish city located at Aegean Sea connected with Mediterranean Sea. Parallel to global developments in tourism many local organisations are looking for making Izmir a brand ...read more
The SubTLe project investigates two different methodologies for sentiment mining of online text types (blogs, chats, tweets, etc.). We contrast the traditional lexicon-based approach with a corpus-based approach based on ...read more