The development of urban settlements and the countryside are intrinsically linked and as many scholars on Phoenician and Punic Studies have begun to look beyond urban centers and monumental architecture, more
This research project is being undertaken by Shabani Mwakalinga, PhD candidate in the history department. It aims to establish how so-called kadhis' courts functioned in late-colonial and early independent Tanzania, what role more
My study revolves around the unduly neglected figure of the late-Qing and early Republican Confucian scholar Liao Ping 廖平 (1852-1932). Instead of attempting to write an intellectual biography in a traditional sense, more
Mobility, or moving from one place to another, is essentially a spatial act. In this PhD, mobility based on isotopical and elemental strontium is explored from a spatial perspective, in more
The research project The System of Mohist Logic and Its Methodology engages with the work «Mozi» (《墨子》, mò zǐ), ascribed to the philosopher Mozi (墨子, trad. ca.470–391 BCE). The scholarship does not agree more
The proposed study region, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France, belongs during the Bronze Age to an area of contact between different cultural complexes. Its western part was integrated in more
The Romans were the first to introduce communal bathing habits in northern Gaul (modern Belgium, Northern France and part of the Netherlands). These highly technological and richly decorated bathhouses were more
Multidisciplinary and diacronich project which aim is to reconstruct the physical evolution of the landscape around Ravenna (Italy) since the Roman Age until today and how this influenced the human more
In Belgium, Egyptology emerged later than elsewhere in Europe, but once under steam, it went through a rapid growth in the course of the first half of the 20th century. more
This empirical research aims to explore the process of negotiating queer aesthetics while challenging hegemonic structures in contemporary Indian fashion. Contemporary representations of the predominant notions of manliness have defined more