Recently, the Department of Languages and Cultures with the Centre for Buddhist Studies at Ghent University has joined a large multidisciplinary project on East Asian religions (for a short abstract, more
This project aims to investigate the way in which astrological knowledge practices are used in scientific, historiographical and eschatological texts in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century Syro-Egyptian Mamlūk more
The Mamluk Prosopography Project (MPP) is an open access digital humanities database for the study of elite social groups, networks and social/cultural practice in the Late Medieval Syro-Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate more
Several hundred examples of the writings of Jacob of Serugh (d. 521) are preserved in the original Syriac language, but he was equally popular among other confessional communities of the Christian more
This project investigates how changing socio-economic relations within Bruges and Mechlin had an impact on the socio-professional topography of both cities during the transition period between the Late Middle Ages more
In A Mirror for the Sultan: State Ideology in the Early Ottoman Chronicles, 1410-1502, Dr Kaçar studies the earliest Ottoman chronicles, written in the fifteenth century.
MP3 is an ongoing 'open' relational database that operates as the basic research tool ('laboratory') for those members of the UGent Mamluk team that use prosopographical, sociographical and discourse-oriented methodologies; more
In spite of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror’s glorious assaults on, and Emperor Constantine XI’s heroic defence of the proud walls of Constantinople, the 1453 siege, conquest and fall of the more