During the recent two decades archaeological research on ancient urbanism has left the traditional path of excavations, documentation of earlier field activities, and topographical analysis of surface relics and indications ...read more
Archaeological survey to study the diachronological organization of ritual and funerary monuments. The BOF research project 2003-2004, a cooperation between Ghent University and Gorno-Altaisk State University and funded by the ...read more
Thousands of Early Iron Age burial mounds in Altay are located in the peripheral permafrost zone, causing an exceptional archaeological preservation. The project “Preservation of the Frozen Tombs of the ...read more
The main area of research of the Roman Mediterranean Archaeology unit (dir. Prof. Frank Vermeulen), namely central Adriatic Italy, is central to this overarching research on the impact on the ...read more
During the Roman period, the northern parts of the Belgian provinces of East- and West-Flanders together with the Dutch province of Zeeland formed the northern parts of the so called ...read more
In 1448 Pieter Bladelin, treasurer of the Dukes of Burgundy (Filips the Good and Charles the Bad) and treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece, started building the town of ...read more
Studying the development of organization, morphology and function on farms built in the ‘local tradition’ can provide essential information from which the analysis of socio-economic processes under Roman influence. Starting ...read more
In 2000, a multi-disciplinary team under the direction of Prof. Frank Vermeulen, started a very intensive survey of an Adriatic valley. Denominated 'Potenza Valley Survey' (PVS), this research project aims ...read more
The site of Tell Tweini is located on the southern bank of the River Rumeilah in the Syrian coastal plain, approximately 1,5 km east of modern-day Jebleh and 40 km ...read more
Exchange project for the promotion of education: valorisation of natural and cultural heritage in Altay. A small survey was performed in the Uymont Steppe (close to Ust-Koksa) in ...read more