Through studies of material culture and the distribution of material remains, archaeology has a large potential to substantially contribute to the debate on how past economies functioned and evolved over more
The Romans were the first to introduce communal bathing habits in northern Gaul (modern Belgium, Northern France and part of the Netherlands). These highly technological and richly decorated bathhouses were more
Multidisciplinary and diacronich project which aim is to reconstruct the physical evolution of the landscape around Ravenna (Italy) since the Roman Age until today and how this influenced the human more
In the civitas Menapiorum (northern France, Belgium and the SW part of the Netherlands), a significant number of epigraphic (e.g. salinatores-inscriptions, Nehalennia-altars) and archaeological sources point to the presence of more
In Belgium, Egyptology emerged later than elsewhere in Europe, but once under steam, it went through a rapid growth in the course of the first half of the 20th century. more
Over the course of the 19th and early 20th century, over 30 million Europeans would settle in Canada or the USA. The port of Antwerp functioned as one of the more
This research project is a joined effort of the Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren and Ghent University, committed to mapping human occupation and land use from the Late Iron Age to more
Pottery from the Scheldt basin will be analyzed using a range of mass spectrometric methods. The pottery has been dated to the late 6th and 5th millennium BC, indicating that it more
This research focuses on the typology, function and provenance determination of the grinding stones used in Thorikos from the Bronze Age to Early Hellenistic times. This ancient settlement and mining more