The theory of embodied music cognition is centered on the strong coupling of human body and musical patterns. The human body mediates through actions the information from and to the more
Artefacts from the Ancient Near East have an extensive shape variation, and are above all, worked out extremely detailed, among others, just think of cuneiform tablets or seal impressions. Normal more
The equivalences and differences of physical theories are being studied by establishing definitional equivalences between the different theories. Classical mechanics is being compared with Special Relativity Theory, Newton-Cartan theory will more
In the course of the eighteenth century, migration and poor relief became subjects of great concern to local, regional and central governments in the Southern Netherlands. Especially controversial was the more
This research project would be the first systematic investigation of a crucial aspect of the grammar of Serbian Sign Language (SZJ) – constituent order. It would be a contribution to more
This research project considers thirteenth-century burghership within specific social tensions which characterized this century. Flemish urban societies in the thirteenth century were subjected to profound transition in economic, political, social more
“Why does the caste system continue to dominate Indian society, in spite of centuries of moral critique and decades of reservation politics?” This is one of the most frequently asked more
This PhD research project consists of two parts: (a) an examination of Samala's collection of stories 'Sudabahomteri' in its cultural setting and (b) an English translation of this collection of stories from more
This project studies the mainstream Russian émigré newsmagazine, Illiustrirovannaia Rossiia (1924-1939), as a test case for the widely accepted idea that interwar Russian émigré culture first and foremost aspired to more