'Eutopia Unbound' investigates the narrative construction of 'good places' in the late-modern era. The research uncovers four types of eutopias (the oasis, the capsule, the hub, and the bazaar) that ...read more
The overall goal of this doctoral study is to investigate the different types of modal markers in Kirundi, to describe their syntactic properties and semantic values, and to establish their ...read more
Ik beoog de diachrone studie en reconstructie van de ideeën inzake apostasie (irtidād), blasfemie (sabb) en innovatie (bid‘a) van Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328), één van de invloedrijkste moslimdenkers in heden en ...read more
Creatively operationalizing Claude Lévi-Strauss’ predicament that food is good to think with, I initiate a methodological conceptualization of food by exploring the ways in which it is apt to study ...read more
Het proefschrift behandelt Filafani, ‘Fila-stof‘ of door de Fila/Peul beschilderd moddertextiel, in de periode van 1997-2007 in de Senufo-gemeenschap van Folona in Zuid-Mali. In een combinatie van kunstwetenschappelijke en antropologische ...read more
This research focuses on relevance marking in lectures. On the basis of an analysis of lectures from the British Academic Spoken English (BASE) corpus, the lexicogrammatical devices are identified that ...read more
The primary aim of the project seeked to evaluate in detail how and to which degree the palaeo-landscape determined the prehistoric occupation and exploitation within Sandy Flanders, starting from the ...read more
This dissertation aims at the exploration, description and interpretation of the ways in which Turkish folk music manifests itself musically, contextually and functionally in the transnational context of contemporary Turkey ...read more
There is a general tendency in modern research to defend the perception of an almost “natural” disinclination of nomadic societies to various forms of integration in (sedentary) imperial systems. The ...read more