From 2010 to 2016, Steven Delarue was an assistant in Dutch Linguistics at Ghent University. He taught courses in Dutch language proficiency and linguistics to first- and second-year students of Dutch, and supervised BA and MA papers on teachers' language use and perceptions, language use in media and educational settings, and language policy in different contexts. As a researcher, he studied the language use and language perceptions of Flemish primary and secondary school teachers. His PhD research focused on the 'gap' between monovarietal language policy and multivarietal language practice in Flemish schools, and tried to shed light on the strategies teachers use to discursively bridge that gap. He has published on language ideology, language use and language-in-education policy, in journals such as Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Language and Communication, Current Issues in Language Planning, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics and Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde.
In 2021, he worked as a doctor-assistant (postdoc) ad interim in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, supervising BA and MA papers on language education and Dutch as a second language.
Furthermore, he is also the co-founder and joint editor-in-chief of Fons, a Flemish didactic periodical for Dutch language teachers, and blogs on topics at the intersection of language, education and language education. More information can be found on his personal website: