Andreas Niehaus
Professional background
Appointed Chair PhD commissions for the Institutes of Slavonic Studies and African Studies
Elected president of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS); 2023-2026
Appointed Chair PhD commissions Department Languages and Cultures for Slavonic Studies
Promotion to senior full professor (gewoon hoogleraar)
Appointment Head Environmental Commission (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy)
Member steering committee East Asia Platform
Nothing special, but lots of birdwatching.
2019- Co-Founder and Speaker of the BOCULT Research Centre
Member of the EAJS Council as local organizer of the 2020/23 EAJS Conference in Ghent
Head of International Office Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Appointed Collaborative Professor Kanazawa University
Promotion to full professor (hoogleraar)
Ghent University Minerva Award for excellence in teaching
Head of the Department Cultures and Languages (formed in 2012, about 110 staff members)
Adjunct Professor for Japanese at the University of Eastern Finland
Head of the Department of South and East Asian Cultures and Languages
until 2012 speaker research group: Culture in Perspective: Identity – Historical Consciousness ‑ Modernity (
Ghent University Faculty of Arts Award for excellence in teaching (5000 Euro)
Tenured position (associate professor) at Ghent University
Appointment as “docent” (assistant professor) at Ghent University, Head of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Language
Academic assistant at the Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of Japanese Studies, Cologne
Finishing doctoral thesis. Title: Leben und Werk Kanō Jigorōs. Ein Forschungsbeitrag zur Leibeserziehung und zum Sport in Japan
One year visiting scholar (hōmon kenkyūin) at Keio University, supporting professor: Komuro Masamichi; 6 months supported by a DAAD-scholarship
Doctoral course at Cologne University
University graduation. M.A. at Cologne University
Selected academic lectures and talks
- Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland. The First Karelian International Conference of Japanese Literature and Culture (1.12-2.12). Keynote lecture “A Pissing Horse, Next to My Pillow”: Thoughts on Traveling as embodied practice in Edo-period travel literature. On invitation (1.12)
- Münster, University of Münster: International Conference: Sport Politics in Germany and Korea. Lecture: "Culture and History of Sports in Japan: Korean and Japanese Sports and the Shadow of the Past." On invitation (6.6).
- Kyoto, Nichibunken evening seminar: Theories of Embodiment in Japan: Introducing New Research from Ghent University, together with Anna Andreeva (8.12.)
- Ghent, GUM (Ghent University Museum). Roundtable: LIDwoord - Over fallus. (14.6)
- Liège: "Medical Knowledge, Magic Practice and Images of the Body in 18th and 19th Century Japan"? (27.4.)
- Hokkaido University Global Career Design Program, Online Lecture: Eating and Sexual Desires - Gendered Ideas and Practicesof the Body in Edo Japan. (3.3.)
- Online Forum Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (Subsection sociology). Lecture: "Challenging Olympic Narratives, or 'Same Same but Different': Revisiting the Tokyo Olympics 2020/2021". On invitation (22.2.)
- Online symposium Nichibunken 21.1.-23.3. Lecture: "In-Between: Experiences and Challenges of Organizing the International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) at Ghent University in Times of Crisis and Transition." On invitation (23.1.)
- Online workshop: Post-Olympic Japan: Renewal or Failure?, Zürich, Hamburg (7.-8.10.), Presentation: "'Recovery flame': The Tokyo 2020/21 Olympic Torch Relay as Media Event." (8.10.)
- 16. EAJS International Conference (24.-28. August), Panel: Exploring the Interplay between Religion and Sport in Japan: "Ritual, Sacred Space and the Construction Identity. Lecture: The Aikido of Ueshiba Morihei as Ritual Practice to Reconstruct the World". (28.8.)
- Taiikushi Gakkai, 10th Confernce of the Japan Society of the History of Physical Education and Sport, Lecture: 研究方法セミナー片淵報告に対するコメント: フーコーの系譜学と統治性の概念からみた江戸時代の養生と身体. On invitation (19.6.)
- Belgium Olympic and Interfederal Committee, Olympic Coaching Platform. Online Lecture: "Japan and the 2021 Pandemic Games". (21.5.)
- Kyushu University, IMAP Public Lecture Series: “Cleansing the universe” (uchû no misogi): Religious nationalism and spiritual training in pre-war aikidô. on invitation (17.2.)
- Kyoto, Nichibunken, ヨーロッパ日本研究学術交流会議, 緊急会議 After/With コロナの「国際日本研究」の展開とコンソーシアムの意義. Lecture面目を改める? 新型コロナワイラスとベルギーにおける日本学の現在と将来. On invitation (12.12.)
- Ghent, International Workshop Challenging Olympic Narratives in Japan (19.-20.12.), presentation: The Uncanny Road to the Deep North: The Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Civil Protest, and the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe
- Brussel, Belgium Olympic Committee, Presentation: “Japan, MITO, de Olympische Spelen en Tokyo 2020”, (18.12.).
- Jeju (Korea), International Academic Conference for the Promotion of Traditional Martial Arts. Populariztion and Globalization of Traditional Martial Arts. Lecture: Martial Arts and Popular Culture: Promoting Judo trough Manga. (1-2.11.) (on invitation)
- Canterbury, Kent University, Kent-Ghent Asian Studies Day, Presentation: Health, Well-Being and the Body in the Yôjôkun. (18.5.)
- Ghent, International Workshop: Japanese body culture and sport in textual and visual representations (20.-21.2.). Presentation: “Between Resting and Moving: Ideas of the body in the Yôjôkun” (20.2.)
- Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University: Workshop: Sport and Religion in Japan. Paper: The Aikido of Ueshiba Morihei as Ritual Practice to Reconstruct the World. (2.3.) (on invitation)
- Chungju, International Centre of Martial Arts for Youth Development and Engagment (ICM, UNESCO). Seminar: Comtemproary meaning and roles of martial arts Lecture: Karate as cultural practice between Olympic Sport and Intangible Cultural Heritage. (30.11.) (on invitation)
- Iksan, Wonkwang University. Conference: The 30th International Sport Science Congress (KAHPERD). In Commemoration of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Lecture: Sites of Memory: The Olympic Games, Memory and Nationhood. (11.10.) (on invitation)
- Koblenz, Universität Koblenz. Conference: Traveling Bodies. Lecture: Ruling Bodies on the Move: Traveling Daimyô in Edo-Period Japan. (6.7.) (on invitation)
- Hofstade, Sportimonium. MAiSI workshop: Development & Peace: Sport across cultures and across times. Lecture: Sport is about war, but … Judo and swimming and the rationale of agonism". (23.5.)
- Ghent, Ghent University. Conference: International Hasekura League Conference. 3.11: Disaster and Trauma in Experience, Understanding, and Imagination. Lecture: The Trauma of Being Abroad: Diaspora and Catastrophe. (12.3.)
- Ghent, 3. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: "Bodies in Motion". Lecture: Move It! – Body, Health and Ideology in Kaibara Ekiken’s Yôjôkun 養生訓 (1713)
- Osaka, Kansai Daigaku, Annual Conference Japanese Academy of Budo (Budo Gakkai), Lecture: Popularizing judo through manga: “Tanoshimi nagara jûdô no rekishi ga manaberu” (7.9.), on invitation.
- Kanazawa Daigaku, Official delegation of the City of Ghent; Lecture:しかっり節制せい!江戸時代の日本における食事規制と食えらび」(Control Yourself, Man! - Food Regulations and Food Choices in Edo-period Japan). (9.6.)
- Ghent, Het gezonde (mannelijke) lichaam opvoeden in vroegmodern Japan. Lezing in de context van de cursus Gendergeschiedenis. (15.5.)
- Bath, Bath Royal Scientific and Literary Institution, Symposium: New Research on Martial Arts. Presentation: Enlightening the World: Narrating and (Re)Presenting the Life of Kano Jigoro and Ueshiba Morihei in Manga. ( 3.5.) Link
- Sendai, Tohoku Daigaku: Hasekura League Symposium "Knowlege and Arts on the Move". Presentation: Self-Discipline and Moderation: Kanô Jigorô's concept of Seiryoku Zenyô Jita Kyôei as Applied Ethics. (14.-15.2.); on invitation
- Merelbeke, Stadsbibliotheek, Murakami Haruki en de hedendaagse Japanse Literatuur (9.12.). Samen met Luk Van Haute.
- Tokyo, Meiji Jingu, Olympic Legacies: Wanted and Unwanted. Conference Olympic Legacies: From Antwerp (1920)-Tokyo (2020). (12.10.)
- Cheongju, Korea, World Martial Arts Conference, Lecture: The future of judo between sport, mixed martial arts and education, (2.9.-3.9.); on invitation Link
- Ghent, Ghent University, Brown Bag Seminars. Lecture: "Food as Medicine in Edo-period Japan" (1.6.) Link
- Liège, Université de Liège. Lecture: Food, Body and Ideology in the Edo-period, or How to Become a Loyal Retainer by Making the Right Food Choices. (4.5.); on invitation
- Oslo, University of Oslo, Conference: Visualization of Japanese History. (10.-11.3.). Lecture: "Narrative, Narration and Historical (Re)Presentation in Biographical Manga: “Jûdô no rekishi – Kanô Jigorô no shôgai” (1987) and “Ueshiba monogatari” (2000)" (10.3.)
- Ghent, Ghent University: Conferentie: Hokudaidays: Connecting Japan and Belgium. Panel: Food, Risk and Health. Lecture: "'Sickness enters through the mouth': Health and Food Regulations in the Edo-period" (1.3.)
- Koksijde: Cultureel Centrum Casino, lecture series "Korea en Japan: meer dan een geschiedenis van conflict en coöperatie" together with Tine Walravens. 1. Korea als bakermat van de Japanse cultuur? (15.2.), 2. Koreaans-Japanse conflicten tussen de 13de en 16de eeuw (22.2.), 3. Internationale relaties Japan-Korea: stand van zaken (29.2.)
- Vienna, University of Vienna: "One should not pee or defecate when facing a shrine. Body and Performance in the Yôjôkun" (10.12.); on invitation
- Ann Arbor, University of Michigan: “‘Eating ideas’: Body, Food and Ideology in the Yôjôkun (1713)” Conference: Comparative perspectives on body materiality and structure in the history of Sinitic and East Asian medicines. 2-4 October (3.10.) (on invitation)
- Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. University of Illinois: "'Miwataseba' - Sensual Attentiveness in Early Modern bugei treatises. The 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies." (9.10.)
- Brussels: "Healthy food: Ideologizing Edo-period cuisine in the Yôjôkun". International Conference: Emotionalizing the Nation: Conflicting Food Identities in Japan. Royal Flemish Academy, Brussels, 2.7. Link
- Koblenz: Universität Koblenz. Projektwoche "Was wir lesen sollen. Kanon und literarische Wertung am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts" im Rahmen der Landesforschungsinitiative „Kulturelle Orientierung und normative Bindung“. Lecture: Identität und Nation: Literarischer Kanon in Japan, 13.11. (on invitation)
- Gent: Universiteit Gent. Lezingreeks wetenschappelijke nascholing "Korea en Japan: meer dan een geschiedenis van conflict en coöperatie"; together with Tine Walravens. Lectures: Korea als bakermat van de Japanse cultuur? (11.2.) en Koreaans-Japanse conflicten tussen de 13de en 16de eeuw (18.2.) Link
- Düsseldorf: Universität Düsseldorf. International Conference, 29-30 november: "Lived Traditionalism: Japanese Traditions beyond Invention." Lecture: Roughing up the Gentle: Challenging Judo Tradition by Humour, 29.11. (on invitation)
- Köln: Universität zu Köln. Internationales Kolleg Morphomata: Reinventing the “Invention of Tradition”? - Indigenous Pasts and the Roman Present, 14.-15.11.2013. Lecture: The Political Dimension of Performing Japanese Tradition, 14.11. (on invitation)
- Köln: Deutscher Judo Bund: Judo Festival (60 Jahre Deutscher Judo Bund), 3.-6.10. Lecture: Zur Rolle Kanô Jigorôs im Judo - Ist Judo Erziehung oder Sport?, 5.6. (on invitation)
- Münster: Universität Münster. International Conference Marie Curie, 22-24 september. Lecture: Post-Fukushima Constructions of Furusato: the Case of Japanese Nationals Living in Belgium. 24 september. together with Tine Walravens.
- Koblenz: Universität Koblenz. Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Lecture: Die Katastrophe und die Neuen Medien: Die Reaktion der japanischen Gemeinschaft in Belgien auf die dreifach Katastrophe von 2011. 17 juli 2013. (on invitation)
- Cambridge, Cambridge University (Needham Research Institute): Workshop: Shifts in time measurement, time perception and time use in Japan from the pre-modern to the modern era. Lecture: Timing equality: Sport competitions in Modern Japan and the question of enlightenment. 24 juni 2013.
- Leiden: International Workshop organized by Leiden University Institute for Philosophy: Conflict and Agonism in Nietzsche and Beyond. Lecture: “Now Japan has Completely Conquered the World. Nippon Banzai! Japanese Identity and Political Conflict in the 1932 Olympic Games”, 28 maart 2013. (on invitation)
- Boekarest: The Third International Conference on Japanese Studies: The Quest for Modernity in Japan, Lecture: Competing Bodies: Modernizing the Japanese Body through Sport. 2-4 maart 2013. (on invitation)
- Vercelli: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Conferentie: Judo, una prospettiva sull'educazione. Lecture: From the ashes - the rise of judo in the context of the political and social crisis in the Meiji-period, 19-21 oktober 2012. (op uitnodiging) (LINK)
- Koblenz, Universität Koblenz, Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Lecture: Sankin kôtai: Hochherrschaftliches Reisen auf der Tôkaidô-Route im Japan der Frühmoderne, 27 juni 2012. (op uitnodiging)
- Münster, Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität, Sporthistorisches Kolloquium, Lecture: Kanô Jigorô und der Eintritt Japans in die olympische Bewegung, 14 juni 2012. (on invitation)
- Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, Lecture: Creating Identity through Sport: Japan in the Olympics during the Early 20th Century. 9 maart 2012. (Erasmus)
- Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland, Lecture: "Seeing Bones": Envisioning the Body in Edo-period Japan. 8 maart 2012. (Erasmus)
- Köln, Universität Köln, public lecture: Haar Machen. Überlegungen zu einer praxisorientierten Kulturwissenschaft am Beispiel des Haares in der japanischen Kultur. 28 januari (on invitation)
- Koblenz, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Seminar: Tier-Bilder (Menschen-Bilder?) in der Literatur. Lecture: Der Vogel als Motiv in der japanischen waka Dichtung, 21 december 2011. (on invitation)
- Vercelli: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Conferentie: Thought and Action: A Paradigm for Education, 21-23 october 2011. Lecture: The politics of moral education in Japan during the Meiji-period and their impact on physical education. (on invitation) link
- Otzenhausen: European Academy, European Fall Academy, September 2011. Lecture: Constructing the Other: Japan and Europe. (on invitation)
- Ghent: International Workshop September 2011. "You are What You Eat": 'Feeding Identities' in Asia. Lecture: Disciplining Desire: Attaining Long Life through Taoist Food Regulations in Early Modern Japan.
- Cologne: Cologne University, Juli 2011. Ringvorlesung: Äußere Übel und innere Begierden: Taoistische und konfuzianische Körperbilder im frühmodernen Japan. (Erasmus)
- Vienna: University of Vienna, November 2010. Ringvorlesung: Entwicklung und Internationalisierung des Judo. (on invitation)
- Vercelli: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, 22-24 october 2010. Conferentie: Educatione e Sport: il caso di judo. Lecture: Kanô Jigorô - Una vita come Educatore (di fisica). (on invitation) 1. link 2. film link
- Tôkyô: Tsukuba Universiteit, Tokyo Kokusai Fôramu, Juni 2010. Conferentie: Kanô Jigorô tanjô 150 shûnen kinen kokusai shinpojiumu. Lecture: Kindai shakai to budô. (on invitation) link 1 en link
- Oldenburg: 8. Offener Deutscher Kata Lehrgang, Oldenburg, Februari 2010: Anmerkungen zur frühen Phase der Entwicklung des jûdô (on invitation)
- Tôkyô: Hōsei Universiteit, Dezember 2009. Lecture: Pro patria est dum ludere videmur: Japan and the Olympic Movement. (on invitation)
- Tôkyô: Hōsei University, November 2009. Lecture: The Other(s): Japan in Western Perspective. (on invitation)
- Halle: September 2009: 14. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag. Lecture: Schwimmen in der Taishô- und frühen Shôwa-Periode im Kontext kollektiver und nationaler Identitätsbildung.
- Brussel: Maart 2009: Royal Flemish Academy. Conferentie: Remember the Glory Days of the Nation: Sport as lieu de mémoire in Japan. Lecture: Swimming into Memory: The Los Angeles Olympics (1932) as Japanese Lieu de Mémoire.
- Yale: Oktober 2008: Yale Universiteit. Conferentie: The Olympics in East Asia. Globalism, Nationalism, and Regionalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Lezing: "Team 'Gambare Nippon!'" - Olympic Education in Japan. (on invitation)
- Kyoto: Juli 2008: 5th ISSA World Congress (International Sociology of Sport Society). Kyoto Universiteit. Lezing: Swimming for Identity, or National Identity and Swimming in Modern Japan (1868-1932).
- Lippstadt: Mei 2008: Stadtbücherei Lippstadt. Das Judo des Kanô Jigorô: Geschichte und Philosophie. (on inivitation)
- Hong Kong: Maart 2008: Universiteit Hong Kong. Conferentie: The Olympics in East Asia. Globalism, Nationalism, and Regionalism on the Center Stage of World Sports. Lezing: Translating culture, or how judo became Olympic in 1964. (on invitation)
- Düsseldorf: Februari 2008: Universiteit Düsseldorf. Lezing: Konstruiertes Leben: Autobiographie und Biographie Kano Jigoros.
- Cologne: November 2007: Arbeitskreis Vormoderne Literatur. Lezing: Lehrgedichte als Medien der Tradierung geheimer Körpertechniken (on invitation) link
- Beijing: Augustus 2007: Conference: From Greece to China: West Meets East through Sport - Multiculturalism in the Olympic Movement. Lezing: The Sportification and Globalization of Judo - or: Is Judo a 'traditional' Japanese sport? (on invitation)
- Cologne: Mei 2007: Leibeserziehung im frühmodernen Japan? Kaibara Ekken als Leibeserzieher, Universiteit Keulen.
- Joensuu: January 2007: The Sword in Japanese History: Re-reading a Symbol and His Owner, Joensuu Universiteit, Finland.
- Hangzhou: Oktober 2006: World Leisure Congress in Hangzhou (China). Lezing: The 'Gentle' Way to the Olympics: Western and Eastern Body Culture in Judo. (op uitnodiging link)
- Cologne: September 2006: Internationales Symposium zum Sport im Altertum. Lezing: "Herz und Schwimmen sind eins" Anmerkungen zum Schwimmen in Japan als militärische Tradition.
- Cologne: November 2005: Lezing: Judo als Leibeserziehung und Volkserziehung.
- Oldenburg: September 2005: Duits-Japanse Vereniging van Oldenburg. Lezing: Judo und Erziehung: Kanô Jigorôs Erziehungsphilosophie im Kontext der Meiji-Zeit. (on invitation)
- Nagano: September 2004: Japanese Society of Physical Education and Sport. Lezing: Denki ni okeru shintai - Kanô Jigorô no shôgai no kaidoku. (on invitation)
- Nagano: September 2004: Japanese Society of Physical Education and Sport. Lezing: Miushinawareta Kanô Jigorô - Doitsu ni okeru jûdô no dôka no kanten kara. (on invitation)
- Bochum: June 2004: Mittagsforum Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Lezing: Body and Biography. (on invitation)
- Düsseldorf: March 2004: EKO-Haus Düsseldorf. Lezing: Biographisierung als Narrationsprozess: Sportlerleben in der Modernisierungsphase Japans. (Biography as Narrative Process: Life of Athletes during the Period of Japanese Modernisation). (on invitation)
- Bochum: November 2003: "Initiative zur historischen Japanforschung". Lezing: Die Bissstellen der Blutegel jucken - Überlegungen zu edo-zeitlichen Körpervorstellungen am Beispiel von Kaibara Ekkens Yôjô-kun (The leeches' bits itch - Thoughts on the body concept in Edo-Japan as seen in Kaibara Ekken's Yôjô-kun). (on invitation)
- Cologne: September 2003: Nihon Bunka Kaikan (Japanese Cultural Institute), Cologne (Duitsland). Lezing: Die japanische Kultur und der Kulturschock (Japanese Culture and Cultural Shock).
- Wittenberg: Juli 2003: Annual Conference of the German Society of Japanese Scholars in Wittenberg. Lezing: Studium in Japan. Passen die Stipendien des DAAD zu den Bedürfnissen der Studierenden? (Studying in Japan - Do DAAD Scholarships Fit the Student's Needs?). (on invitation)
- Olympia: Mei 2003: 11th International Postgraduate Seminar on Olympic Studies of the Olympic Academy 2003 in Olympia (Griekenland). Lezing: Kanô Jigorô (1860-1938): Pioneer of the Japanese Olympic Movement ‑ Cultural Translation of Olympic Values. (on invitation)