I am a FWO Junior Postdoctoral Fellow at Ghent University, conducting the project Modelling Bantu Analytic Morphosyntax (MBAM): The Mbam languages as a case study in morphosyntactic change (2024-2027), in which I investigate the morphosyntax of the Mbam languages from Cameroon from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
I received my PhD from Leiden University in 2024, with a doctoral thesis entitled "Tunen syntax and information structure", completed within the Bantu Syntax and Information Structure (BaSIS) research project. Prior to this, I received a BA (Hons) in Linguistics from the University of Cambridge and an MA in Linguistics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
I work within formal syntax and descriptive linguistics, predominantly using data collected from in-situ fieldwork to investigate linguistic variation and change. My general research interests are (morpho)syntax, information structure, African languages and linguistics, and field methods.