I am a prehistoric archaeologist specialised in use-wear analysis of stone tools, trained and have worked as a field archaeologist as well. I have completed an PhD research on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition of N-W Belgium at Ghent University, am part of an international research project of a Bronze Age tell settlement in Hungary as a stone tool specialist, and am a postdoctoral researcher in an inter- and multidisciplinary project on the Mesolithic people in S-Belgium.
I obtained an MA at Szeged University in Hungary with archaeometry specialisation and and MSc at Leiden University with specialisation in material culture studies.
In the framework of ROAM, my research is focusing on the use-wear/microwear and residue analysis of the lithic material that mostly comes from the Mesolithic settlement sites in the Meuse valley. By looking at macro- and microscopic traces on the surfaces of lithic tools, we can interpret their use and their biographies (microwear analysis). Combining this method with the physical and chemical characterisation of the residues that are trapped on the tools, we can even more information about what kind of materials were in contact with the lithics, on what materials they have been used. This information, combined with data from the other disciplines involved in our project (zooarchaeology, aDNA, isotopes, paleoproteomics), help us to draw a complex picture of the life (and death) of the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in the area.