Having obtained my Master’s degree in Translation (Danish/English) in 2009 (Erasmushogeschool Brussel), I completed a teacher training programme in 2010 and an Advanced Master’s degree in Linguistics in 2011 (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). In October 2011, I started working on my PhD in Psychology at UGent under the supervision of Prof. Dr Wouter Duyck, unravelling the effects of bilingualism on cognition, studying myriads of bilingual populations (including interpreters, children, and patients). After receiving my PhD degree in May 2015, I was a postdoctoral member of the LEMMA project (Language, Education, and Memory in Multilingualism and Academia – a concerted research actions project) at the UGent Department of Experimental Psychology until I was offered a three-year contract as Doctor-Assistant in January 2017 at the same department. In September 2020, I was appointed full-time assistant professor (tenure track) at UGent's Department of Translation, Interpreting, and Communication.
My research interests include (but are not limited to) bilingualism and all its (psycholonguistic) aspects, translation and interpreting processes, second language acquisition, and instruction languages in education (e.g. EMI, CLIL).