The Falerii Novi project

Het Falerii Novi project
Start - End 
2015 - 2027 (ongoing)
Department of Archaeology
Research group(s) 
Research Focus 



The site of Falerii Novi in the Middle Tiber Valley (Italy) represents one of the finest available opportunities for the archaeological study of the long run development of urbanism in ancient Italy. This opportunity presents itself both because the settlement’s nearly complete abandonment in the post-Roman period has left a largely greenfield site within well-preserved ancient walls and because several decades of non-invasive research already provide a good understanding of the ancient city’s morphology. The recent prelude to the project is the collaboration since 2015 of teams from Cambridge University and Ghent University who did a high resolution total survey with georadar equipment of the intramural area of the ancient city. The current “Falerii Novi Project” (FNP) built further on this from 2021 onwards and forms a research collaboration between the British School at Rome (BSR) and the Universities of Harvard (USA) and Toronto (Canada), with input from Cambridge University (UK), Ghent University (Belgium), and the Università di Firenze (Italy). This cumulative effort represents the start of a multi-year initiative to explore the city’s archaeology from multiple perspectives and using a variety of methodologies. At the core of the FNP lies a campaign of stratigraphic excavations – the first scientific excavations of this scale within the urban area. However, the project also presents a wider platform for collaboration and the application of a variety of methods, partners, and institutions in pursuit of a broader intellectual aim: to confront in a holistic manner the history of a Roman city through time, from Falerii Novi’s origins through its post-Roman transformations with particular attention to urban lifeways and sociohistorical processes.





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