Gender-sensitive language use in interpreter-mediated interactions between service providers and transgender or non-binary persons

Start - End 
2023 - 2029 (ongoing)



Many trans and non-binary foreign-language persons rely on an interpreter to express themselves across the language barrier in accordance with their identity. However, there are challenges, both for the social interpreter and the service provider, in using the right linguistic tools (such as the right pronouns) in the source and target language, thus helping to shape the correct (linguistic) identity of the person in question. Our research aims to explore gender-inclusive language use in interpreter-mediated interactions, with a focus on trans and non-binary individuals in service contexts (medical, asylum, CAW). Research within this field is scarce, and we therefore aim to use observations of interpreted conversations and in-depth interviews with service providers, interpreters and patients to explore the extent to which interpreters and service providers are aware of such linguistic challenges - and how they tackle them. This will raise awareness about the role of language, resulting in more transparent and reliable interpreting and service provision.




Phd Student(s)