IATE-CvT project

Start - End 
2011 - 2025 (ongoing)
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Research Focus 



The aim of the IATE-CvT project is to contribute to specific domains of the EU’s multilingual term base IATE on the basis of in-depth research into restricted sets of concepts. The research is done by Master students in the context of their MA dissertation and is supervised by CvT staff as well as by EU terminologists (DGT and Council). After validation, selected results can be entered in IATE.

Since 2015, IATE-CvT is part of a larger project involving several Dutch and Flemish universities and a number of institutional translation services, who have also begun to offer internships for the contributing students.

Universities: KULeuven Campus Antwerpen / KULeuven Campus Brussel / UAntwerpen Campus Zuid / UGent – CvT / VUBrussel / Zuyd Hogeschool Maastricht / VU Amsterdam / Universiteit Utrecht.

Translation services: Dutch language department of the DGT, Dutch language unit of the Council of the European Union, Vertaaldienst van de Vlaamse Overheid.

Other: Interinstitutionele Termraad Nederlands


