Las vanguardistas. Spanish women poets and the international avant-garde, 1910-1936

Start - End 
2020 - 2023 (completed)



The early twentieth century saw the emergence of an avant-garde culture, which marked a turning point in the literary history of Spain. Until recently, the dominant approach to Spanish vanguard poetry, has been a generational one. Critics have tended to focus on male poets identified with the “Generation of 1927”, which has been seen as a predominantly Spanish phenomenon and studied in isolation from European modernism. This project takes a different approach by examining a group of Spanish women poets of the interwar period who engaged with avant-garde themes and participated in transnational literary circles. The goal of the project is to rethink their position in the ranks of the avant-garde and to compare their work with that of their European and Latin American counterparts thus taking into account their participation in literary clubs and their reception in the Latin American press. By looking at poetry collections, literary circles and avant-garde magazines, this project questions Spain’s exclusion from studies of the international avant-garde and views Spanish women poets as mediators across cultural and geographical borders. 



