(Activities linked to my affiliation and collaborations in Ghent)
– Ghent Seminars on the Greek Language. With Andrea Cuomo.
– [Events organised] Round Table: New approaches to medieval Greek grammar. Bridging language teaching, manuscripts, people, and cultures, 25th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Vienna 2026. With Valentina Barrile [selected]
– Research affiliation, Literature Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 2025. Funded by the FWO – Short Study Visit Abroad.
– Speaker at the Workshop “Humanisms & Renaissances Across World History- A Timely & Casual Conversation”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 21 March 2025. [thanks to the FWO – Short Study Visit Abroad]
– [Conference paper] A language to be understood. Preaching in Greek in the Ottoman Empire, 1500s–1600s, Renaissance Society of America Conference, Boston 2025, 3/20–3/22/2025. With Michele Didoli [selected]. Partially funded by the FWO.
– [Invited Talk] Ioannes Mauropous: Literature in eleventh-century Anatolia, Medieval Seminar Series, Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies, Ghent, t.b.d.
– [Internal event] Presentation of my chapter in K. Kubina (ed.), Poetry in late Byzantium (Leiden: Brill, 2024) at the Byzantine Reading Session, 13/12/2024.
– [Conference paper] Learning a language through errors: Prescriptive attitudes in the history of the Greek language, Conference “Transmitting Prescriptivism and Norms”, Aix-en-Provence 26/6/2024. With Chiara Monaco [selected]
– [Conference paper] Diacronia e trasmissione dei testi didattici a Bisanzio, Workshop “La trasmissione di testi atticisti e grammaticali nella tarda Bisanzio”, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 17/5/2024 [invited]
– [Conference paper] How to process innovation in Byzantine literature, 99th Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, University of Notre Dame, South Bend IN 16/3/2024 [selected]. Awarded The Medieval Academy of America Travel Grant
– [Events organised] Panel: Learned communities and knowledge in the Greek Middle Ages, 99th Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, University of Notre Dame, South Bend IN 16/3/2024 [selected]
– [Conference paper] Education as contact. Causes, strategies, and effects of new teaching methods, 10th–11th centuries, 49th Byzantine Studies Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 27/10/2023 [selected]
– [Events organised] Panel: Medieval contact zones. Literary encounters around the Greek-speaking world, 49th Byzantine Studies Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 27/10/2023 [selected]
– [Events organised] Panel: Interfacing with linguistic norms, 323 BCE – 1453 CE, 14th Celtic Conference in Classics, University of Coimbra, 11–13/7/2023. With Chiara Monaco [selected]
– [Conference paper] Schedography. Recapitulating and envisioning research on a Byzantine school method, “Teaching and Learning Greek in Byzantium 1: Schedography”, Ghent University 2/6/2023
– [Events organised] Workshop: Teaching and learning Greek in Byzantium 1: Schedography, Ghent University, Ghent 2/6/2023. With Andrea Cuomo and Katharina Preindl
– [Internal event] Presentation of the MSCA Project at Ghent University, Meeting ΔiaLing, Ghent University, 11/15/2022
– [Invited talk] Scrivere versi sbagliati a Bisanzio. Una riflessione, Seminari “Nell’officina del filologo”, University of Chieti – Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio”, Chieti 22/11/2022
– [Conference paper] Towards a new appraisal of schedography. What Greek was taught by Longibardos? And how?, 48th Byzantine Studies Conference, University of California, Los Angeles 5/11/2022 [selected]. Awarded the Dumbarton Oaks Early Career Travel Grant
Events Organised
– Session: Teaching a language in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean, International Medieval Congress, Leeds 7/7/2025 [selected]
– Session: Didactic poetry in the Arabic, Greek, and Latin Middle Ages, International Medieval Congress, Leeds 10/7/2025. With Bernhard Hollick [selected]
– Session: Language work in the early modern Mediterranean, Session sponsored by Hesperides. Renaissance Society of America Conference, Boston 2025, 20–22/3/2025. With Erica Feild-Marchello [selected]
– Panel: Breaking points: Reaction to change in Byzantine art & literature, 10th–13th c. CE, International Medieval Congress, Leeds 3/7/2024. With Joseph Kopta [selected]
– Workshop: Binding the world, withholding life. Poetry books in the medieval Mediterranean, University of Oxford 31/5/2024. With Alberto Ravani
– Workshop: Metrical metaphraseis, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 26/6/2022. With Martin Hinterberger and Andreas Rhoby
– Panel: Mount Athos in the middle Byzantine period: Communities between Constantinopolitan culture and periphery, 47th Byzantine Studies Conference, Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland (Ohio) 12/12/2021. With Alberto Ravani [selected]
– Conference: (S)proporzioni. Scala, taglia e dimensione tra visuale e testuale, University of Milan (Statale), 23–24/10/2019
Invited Talks
– Poetry and education in medieval Southern Italy, Bodleian Master Classes in Palaeography & Manuscript Studies, Oxford, 10/2/2025
– Using ancient grammatical texts in the Greek Middle Ages, Corpus Christi Classics Centre Seminar “Ancient Grammar( s), Ancient Grammatical Traditions”, Oxford 12/6/2024
– Characterisation and Byzantine literature, Classical Languages and Literature Sub-Faculty Seminar “Non-standard Greek and Latin: Characterisations in Literature”, Oxford 1/2/2024
– The poet John Mauropous. Reflections on poetry and literature in eleventh-century Byzantium, TeTra Joint Research Seminars, online 16/11/2023
– John Mauropous: Verse, structure, and poetry book, Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar, University of Oxford 15/6/2022
– Il libro poetico bizantino, “Seminari di Glaucopis”, Sapienza University of Rome, online 14/3/2022
– Δέλτοι πρεσβυτάτης σοφίης. Tradizione manoscritta e rappresentazione letteraria di Giovanni Mauropode e Michele Coniata, “Sapientia Palaeographica”, Sapienza University of Rome 27/6/2019
Conference Papers
– Teaching Greek etymologies through didactic poetry, International Medieval Congress, Leeds 7/7/2025 [selected]
– Transmitting and using grammarians in Byzantium, Workshop “Ancient and Byzantine Scholarship: Current Trends and Future Prospects”, University of Thessaloniki, 2–3/12/2024 [invited]
– The hidden Homer. Form and sound in Byzantine learned poetry, The 50th Byzantine Studies Conference, City University of New York 24–26/10/2024 [selected]
– Where teachers see crisis: Learning from errors and exceptions in Greek poetry, 10th–12th c., International Medieval Congress, Leeds 3/7/2024 [selected]
– Editing schedographical texts: In Textkritik etwas Neues?, “Editing Ancient Grammatical Texts”, University of Oxford 28/6/2023 [selected]
– The Psalms and Manuel Philes’ Metaphrasis. Rewriting, context, and transmission, Conference “Catenae and Databases”, University of Vienna 24/5/2023 [invited]
– Michael Choniates. A Komnenian author, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice 24/8/2022
– From Davidic lyre to political verses. The Metaphrasis of the Psalms by Manuel Philes, Workshop “Metrical Metaphraseis”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 23/6/2022 [invited]
– Greek (and Latin) epigrams on the death of Theodorus Gaza, Conference “Poetry in Late Byzantium and Beyond (13th to 15th Centuries)”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 11/2/2022 [selected]
– John Mauropous. Constantinople and Mount Athos in the eleventh century and beyond, 47th Byzantine Studies Conference, Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Museum of Art 12/12/2021 [selected]
– Refunctionalisation in Byzantine epigrams. Epigrams and poems from original contexts to manuscript transmission, “Aufschreiben – Abschreiben – Sammeln”, Heidelberg University 19/11/2021 [invited]
– Voicing political relief through Psalms. Manuel II Palaeologus and the battle of Ankara, Conference “Biblical Poetry: The Legacy of the Psalms in Late Antiquity and Byzantium”, University of Ghent 15/9/2020 [selected]
– La grandiosa ira di Achille in miniatura. Tensioni tra grande e piccolo nella Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς di Giovanni Tzetze, Conference “(S)proporzioni”, University of Milan (Statale) 23/10/2019
– Attuning rough voices to the hymns of God. John Mauropous, his people, his audience, The 45th Byzantine Studies Conference, University of Wisconsin at Madison 18/10/2019 [selected]
– Text, visuality, and materiality in John Mauropous’ epigrams, Conference “Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects, from Classical Epigrams to Modern ‘Light Poems’ ”, University of Warwick 9/3/2019 [selected]
– Fuor del dritto amore: la rappresentazione dell’incesto e la dinastia comnena, Conference “I figli di Eolo”, The University of L’Aquila 21/2/2019 [selected]
– L’Esegesi dell’Iliade e il programma omerico tzetziano, Conference “Si curat cor spectantis tetigisse. La comunicazione tra mittente e destinatario”, Gargnano 30/10/2018
– John of all trades. Carmina Iliaca and Tzetzes’ didactic programme, Conference “Tzetzes”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 7/9/2018 [selected]
– Medieval wandering quires and classical lost poems. Problems and methodology of direct and indirect tradition, The 11th Celtic Conference, Panel 7: Talking manuscripts. Old and new problems on Greek and Latin manuscripts in Classics, University of Saint Andrews 12/7/2018 [selected]
– The learned bishop and the unicorn (Mi.Chon. Carm. 5 Lambros), Conference “Byzantine Poetry in the “Long” Twelfth Century (1081–1204)”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 15/6/2018 [selected]
– L’Utopia conservatrice della Resistenza. Mistrà e il tracollo di Bisanzio, Conference “Inter/rotto, In/finito”, Ca’ Pesaro, Venice 23/3/2018. With Martina Fusaro [selected]
– Launchpad or purpose of the research? Plato and Aristotle on truth in geometric proof, 12th London Ancient Science Conference, University College of London 12/2/2018. With Francesco Moiraghi [selected]
Public Outreach
– Online Lecture Le donne, i cavallier, l’arme, gli amori – Un panorama del romanzo greco medievale, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica – Como, Liceo Classico e Scientifico “A. Volta”, Como 25/3/2024 [invited]
– Public lecture on Vergil, Aeneid 10.1–509, “Non possiamo non dirci… figli di Virgilio”, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica – Como, Liceo Classico e Scientifico “A. Volta”, Como 20/11/2023 [invited]
– Discussion with S. Ronchey on the book Kazhdan/Ronchey, L’aristocrazia bizantina dal principio dell’XI alla fine del XII secolo, “Conversazioni di storia sui libri di storia”, Université Grenoble Alpes 7/3/2023 [invited]
– Lesson to high school students on the History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica – Roma, 13/5/2020